So it's been a while since I've updated this, and that's been down to a number of reasons. I'll try and fill you in as I go.
The last 2 months were spent solely on the External Client Project. The way I saw it, I was creating something for them and that made me under their employ, so I dedicated myself to creating exactly what they wanted. The project still has a few finishing touches to be made, but is as good as finished at the time being.
My biggest concern at the moment is the research project. Before Easter my hard-drive was playing up so I got a new one just to back up all the essentials that I'd been working on, which was all the recruitment video files. I'm lucky I'd backed them up when I did because the whole thing went kaput shortly after. I was just relieved to have the client's work, I didn't even think about my research. Unfortunately, over Easter my back-up hard drive also experienced a malfunction. Nothing was lost that time, having learnt my lesson from weeks before. The problem that remains however, is that the only research files I had backed up were my video diaries (Artefact 1) & my condensed case study of Amazon Studios (Artefact 2).
Needless to say, the next four weeks will be focused on damage control. On the bright side I received vastly positive feedback on my recruitment video from family, friends and members of the public.